Company Profile of SAMIX RC
Mission SAMIX RC was founded in 2010. Its main business focuses on one-stop OEM and ODM production for world-renowned RC brands including those in the U.S. and Japan. Thanks to this, our company has gained profound experience which will help us cater better the needs of our customers.
Production Facilities Fully owned by SAMIX RC, our production facilities are equipped with more than 10 sophisticated computerized numerical control (CNC milling machine) as well as several CNC computerized numerical control (CNC lathes machine) Our Quality Control Department has installed sophisticated quality control equipment of Mituyoto, and have adopted Solidwork 3D for digital graphic design.
Company Background SAMIX RC'S working team is proudly comprised of professionals in three aspects. First, many of our designers have over 10 years of experience in RC design. Second, CNC technicians have both professional qualifications and comprehensive knowledge in RC. Third, our QC staff was well-trained and equally professional. Because of that, we can truly provide a one-stop solution from designing parts, taking measurements, creating 3D graphics (by Solidwork), considering materials, taking and confirming samples to the production and finally the QC process. That explains why our customers keep supporting us with their OEM and ODM orders throughout the years. We will continue to be committed to providing the following three advantages:
1) Effective Communication (because our designers has been in the RC business for over 10 years) 2) On-time Delivery (because errors are minimized in every process and therefore no time is wasted) 3) High-quality Parts (because parts are under strict QC process)
Categories of Materials Processed SAMIX RC is specialized in processing the following materials:
1) Aluminum 7075-T6 2) Aluminum 6061 3) Titanium T-64 4) Steel (e.g. Spring steel) 5) Copper 6) Carbon plate 1.5mm-5mm 7) POM (White) 8) POM (Black)
Future Outlook The company established its own brand SAMIX RC in 2013. It is committed to developing high-quality RC parts and tools. We look forward to serving you in the near future. Should you be interested in any collaboration including but not limited to OEM and ODM, you are most welcome to contact us for more information by
Email: samixrc@gmail.com
成立宗旨 本公司成立於2010年初, 主要是為世界各大RC品牌作OEM及ODM加工一站式服務, 當中包括多間美國及日本著名的RC品牌, 正因為此, 我們公司上下員工也吸收了豐富的RC加工經驗, 以滿足顧客的各種需求
工廠設備 在深圳擁有自置廠房, 具備十數台高品質數控CNC加工中心, 兼備數台CNC數控車床, QC部門則配備日本三豐高精度檢測設備, 並採用Solidwork 3D電腦繪圖
公司簡介 我們擁有十年以上RC經驗的設計師, CNC技術人員更擁有專業資格及RC的專業知識, 連同QC員工也同樣專業, 從我們經驗所得, 這三方面的員工, 對於做RC加工工廠而言, 是非常重要的, 正因為這樣, 我們才能真正做到由零件設計, 量度尺寸, 繪畫3D圖 (Solid work), 物料考慮, 樣板測試, 樣板確認以至到生產的QC管理的真正一站式服務, 這也好讓顧客放心給予我們多年來延續的OEM及ODM訂單, 經過了多年RC的加工經驗, 我們會至力為顧客達到以下三大優點:
1)與客人溝通容易 (設計師對RC的設計有超過十年的經驗, 溝通不會費時)
2)按時交貨 (有RC經驗的加工員工, 會令零件出錯機會減至最低, 便能按時交貨)
3)零件的質量及QC (有RC經驗的加工員工, 最後也有RC經驗的檢測員作最後檢查)
主要加工的類別 我們的加工主項目主要分為八大類 1) 鋁料 7075-T6 2) 鋁料 6061 3) 鈦合金 T-64 4) 鋼料 e.g. Spring steel 5) 銅料 6) 炭化板 1.5mm-5mm 7) 白賽鋼 (POM) 8) 黑賽鋼 (POM)
公司展望 在2013年本公司開始建立自己品牌名為SAMIX RC, 至力開發高品質之RC零件, 及工具, 在此希望各届多多支持, 而任何OEM及ODM的新客户也歡迎電郵查詢
E-mail: samixrc@gmail.com